
Is SnagAJob Still a Legit Job Hunting Site? 

In this day and age, the Internet is one of the many things that make the world go round. It has practically permeated various aspects of our lives, from socialization to our finances, thanks to its sprawling network that contains a massive library of information and functionalities. While most people would use the Internet as it is—a mere medium of communication—others find even better use for it. These people would utilize the Internet to make money from the comforts of their home, and some have even supplemented their day jobs with online work. Others, on the other hand, look to the Internet to find employment in the real world.

In any case, folks looking for employment on the Internet make use of one of those online job search platforms. There are many such platforms out there, among which is SnagAJob, a long time player in the field.

What Is SnagAJob?

Online job searching will not be so easy if not for the many job search websites available on the Internet. SnagAJob is one of these sites, and it is one of the complete job searching solutions out there. This platform has been around for a long time now, having been established in the year 2000 by Shawn Boyer, in the state of California, USA.

For those who have just heard of this site and is questioning its legitimacy, this 17-year old fact should be more than enough to dispel your doubts. If that’s not enough, though, SnagAJob boasts a user base of over 20 million, and over 400,000 jobs are being posted on the site every single month, making it the largest online job search service in the United States.

Asking what SnagAJob can do for you is basically asking just what can you do in the job search website. Essentially, it lets you seek hourly jobs, or even find full-time ones, all within the confines of the site. If you are someone looking for somebody to do some work for you, this job search platform also provides you with the option to post advertisements for full-time or hourly jobs.

How Does SnagAJob Work?

SnagAJob allows job seekers to connect with employees within a particular area. Here, you can create a job seeker profile in order to browse the jobs posted by prospecting employers for a fee. This site is designed for both job seekers and recruiters, making job search and recruitment easy for both.

There are plenty of jobs available in the site, and they cover a wide range of fields and are neatly organized in categories like required working hours and the job seekers’ work experience. This includes part time jobs, full time jobs, seasonal work like summer jobs, entry level jobs, and even jobs for highly experienced veterans, and that’s to name just a few. The jobs come in from various industries as well, ensuring that there will always be something for everyone. Furthermore, these jobs have a high turnover rate, even, and with a continuous stream of jobs coming in, there surely is no shortage of employment opportunities in SnagAJob.

Searching for a job is a breeze, and you can easily customize the search to yield very specific results. You can set your location, position that you are seeking, your field and level of expertise, the company or companies you prefer to work in, and a whole lot more. What’s more is that you don’t need to actively search for jobs to find employment; the details in your profile exposes you to employers who have posted jobs that you might just fit in nicely.

Now if you are an employer or recruiter looking for people to work for you, SnagAJob makes it easy for you to advertise the position, provided that you have the money to pay for the posting. You will get to pay for the posting in a monthly basis, and in accordance to the number of jobs that you have posted in the site: a single job post will cost $89 per month, while three or five job posts will cost a monthly price of $249 and $375, respectively.

As soon as the recruiter has paid for the job post and the ad is published, SnagAJob will immediately notify job seekers in the recruiter’s specified area. Once job seekers apply for the job, the website forwards the applications to the prospecting employer via email. Naturally, the employer will sort out the applications to see who fits the position best, and then set up interviews for the qualified applicants.

Now if you are not interested in either jobs or recruiting people, you can also sign up to SnagAJob’s affiliate program. As far as affiliate programs go, promoting the site’s services in your site or otherwise is a great way to make a little extra on the side.

Why Choose

Signing up to is laden with advantages that made it a top job search website in the United States. Signing up is free, allowing everyone to take advantage of the work opportunities posted in the site. As it is pretty much the largest hourly employment network in the country, there’s always bound to be a job for everyone, as for every job that was taken, there will always be new postings. Alerts for new job postings are also sent straight to you via email, so there’s no need to log in to the site everyday to view the latest job offers.

Another thing that made this job search platform amazing is its very user-friendly search function, which is what something called a job search website should be best at. The many available filters allow you to easily narrow down results to those that fit your preferences best, making it possible for you to find just about any job of your liking.

So now that you’ve found the right job, what should you do next? If you end up stumped this way, you can always go to the forums for immediate help. The forums are full of tips that newbies can certainly use, and will likely get you assistance much faster than customer support. Furthermore, the site links you to very helpful partner tools, including which offers a huge selection of resume templates, formatting tools, and more for free.

One more good thing that can be said about this site is that it offers employment options to young people, with jobs for teens as an entirely separate category. This is especially helpful for young men and women who are looking to be financially independent or would like to save up money for something big, like a car or college.

For recruiters, SnagAJob allows postings at reasonable prices and at flexible rates. Employers can also keep job posts for up to 90 days after terminating payment, which is great for recruiters on a budget.

Is Snag a Job A BadSite?

As with everything else, SnagAJob is not all flowers and rainbows, as the mixed reviews for the site can testify. What many, including us, don’t like about this site is the fact that it sports rather intrusive and distracting advertisements which takes away from the user experience. This is nothing AdBlock can’t fix, but it’s annoying nonetheless and puts a blemish on the site’s credibility.

Others view the very helpful, although rather complex search function negatively. Indeed, if you are one who wants to quickly execute a job search in a few clicks, you may find SnagAJob’s narrow, multilayered search rather cumbersome. It doesn’t end there, even; your search results may include nonexistent, outdated, unavailable, and even shady job offers, no thanks to the lack of a comprehensive job offer filtering system.

The application process can also be a little tedious. It appears that the very detailed profile that you fill up after you have signed up to the site is not enough; you will still have to go to the employer’s website and enter pretty much the same volume of information. This redundancy is completely unnecessary and outdated, especially since competing sites like LinkedIn have managed to make things easier by using the information in your profile on application forms within the site.

Lastly, there are claims that SnagAJob may be selling your information, which may result in unwanted calls or spam mail.

To Conclude

SnagAJob, without a doubt, is a legitimate job search and job posting website. It is, however, quite a mixed bag. Being one of the largest online job searching platforms do come with problems, as much as it has its advantages. Shifty ads certainly do take a toll on the site’s reputation, but nifty features such as a complex search function that returns narrow, highly specific results make up for the site’s shortcomings.

The site, however, certainly does its job of helping job seekers save a lot of time finding work on- and offline. While it does just this, SnagAJob remains a great way to find employment on the Internet. However, with reports that the site may be selling your information, it is best to keep personal info like private contact details out of the site. It also helps that you only use the site to browse for available jobs, and going straight to the employer’s site to apply for your desired position, so as to be sure that you only apply for existent jobs and be able to maintain privacy of your personal information.

I really do hope that you find this review useful. If you are interested in SnagAJob, you might also find yourself interested in our top offers. To know more about our best-rated offer, click this link:


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